Quality and Enviroment CSR

Akralab, S.L.U., we have always distinguished ourselves, and thus we have been recognized for the feeling and enthusiasm for things well done, for the quality of our service and the products we offer to customers, already incorporated in the daily business, trying to ensure continuity with our employees, customers and suppliers. Likewise, we are a company that has been renewing itself over time, investing in the improvement of processes and facilities, to be up-to-date in this complex and responsible world, and to continue improving in quality and service.

At Akralab, S.L.U. we are aware of the growing concern of the entire society to protect and preserve the environment and, therefore, we pursue a series of actions aimed at the continuous improvement of our activity and internal management to reduce, in this way, attacks on nature. Respect for the environment is a fundamental principle for us.

Our company carries out all its activities in an environmentally friendly way, continually improving its environmental practices and taking the necessary measures to prevent pollution and minimize environmental impacts.

Our Quality and Environment Policy is in line with the ever changing market conditions, environmental preservation, as well as the needs of our customers. With this objective, the needs of the latter are analyzed, as well as the quality of the product, the preservation of the environment and the diversity of the sector in an innovative and competitive way, promoting the continuous improvement of our company and of the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System. of Quality and Environmental to be able to satisfy the wishes of our clients and preserve environmental conditions. Our goal is to be leaders in our sector, and to meet the needs and requirements of the client, maintaining the environment without compromising at any time the quality standards of service and products marketed by our company. And always with the commitment to comply with the standards contained in this Integrated Manual of Quality and Environmental Management, as well as the legal requirements applicable to the activity and the environment, creating long-term business relationships, both with our Clients and with our Suppliers, and specifically the Health Products marketed by the company, ensuring the effectiveness of the Integrated Management System for

Quality and Environmental Management.

The knowledge and qualifications of the personnel are considered a strategic value of competitiveness for the Company and all workers strive to increase their knowledge, their skills, their commitment to the environment and their training; knowing the importance of teamwork and the active participation of staff, for the continuous improvement and quality of products, working in an innovative way, and complying with the Integrated Management System for Quality and Environmental Management. Furthermore, it is essential for achieving the Objectives and Goals.

All members of our company (managers and workers) are very aware that the control and monitoring of each of the processes is vital to carry out proper waste management and thus reduce the environmental impact.

We are committed to minimizing pollution and maximizing recycling, with the consequent benefit to society. Protecting the environment that surrounds us by promoting the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Our company is committed to the constant provision of technological and human resources necessary to carry out our activity in conditions of optimal competitiveness and productivity, in addition to allowing for environmental improvement.